This guide is intended for Employer Admin users.
Line Manager functionality within SkillGuard allows an Employer Admin user to create a user login account for any recordholder that they Primary Employ, giving the selected recordholder the ability to view and
manage the worker records of other primary Employed or Sponsored recordholder's that
they have been assigned to line manage. This is particularly useful for users,
such as team leaders or supervisors, who only require visibility of a
restricted number of worker records, and who do not require the full
functionality available to Employer Admin users in SkillGuard.
Managers are able to view key elements affecting the authority to work of recordholder's that they have been assigned to line manage, with limited edit rights,
allowing them to update the recordholder's contact details and National Competencies
for example.
1. Log in to SkillGuard.
2. Select My Account tab and select Manage Colleague Logins.
3. On the Users summary screen, click the Add button and select the Line Manager from the dropdown list.
4. Select the Line Manager field to open the Select Individual window.
5. Select Search to find the recorderholder that you wish to create a Line Manager user account for.
6. Select the recorderholder you wish to create the account for, then press Select.
7. Enter the remaining details for the Line Manager selected. The recorderholder’s name and email address will be
auto-populated and cannot be changed, only the Username will need to be
created then click Save.